In 2019, the Duke Energy Convention Center (DECC) partnered with Cincinnati’s job-training public arts organization, ArtWorks, to find an artist to design, fabricate, and install a site-specific sculpture for the window alcove of the Grand Ballroom lobby. I was hired by ArtWorks to first create an original design for the piece, then as a Teaching Artist, leading a team of 4 apprentices over the course of 8 weeks to fabricate and install the sculpture. Anchored into the ceiling with a steel frame, a multitude of translucent strings hang from the steel. The installation process involved collaboration with the building’s Facilities Manager to assure the sculpture was hung securely while keeping safe distances from lights, fire-safety equipment, and air vents. I also worked closely with a structural engineer to fabricate and install the steel frames. On each strand are strung individual pieces of synthetic paper. (Over 11,000 paper circles in total.) The series of smaller shapes produce a larger form, mimicking the curves of the Ohio River along the OH/KY border, which can be seen from the Convention Center.

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